It's past and it's flying so fast, that 2012 came and went. This summer I started and it's already Thanksgiving. But let's rundown on the big five ice cream stands and tally them as far as the Season Lengh.
Season Lengh:
FIRST PLACE: Richardsons. Open year round, doesn't close till 9:30pm, even in the winter! So, even in January, you can still go there for a late night ice cream! Even the minigolf is open, so long as there's no snow on the ground.
SECOND PLACE: Jay Gee's. Open year round (Salem NH), Late February through October (Methuen, MA)
Ice Cream: Open 12am-9pm (10pm Memorial Day through Labor Day)
Activities: Open March through October Fridays 3-8, Saturdays 12-9, Sundays 12-8. Summer hours (Memorial Day-Labor Day) Daily 12-10p
Ice Cream: Open 12am-9pm (10pm Memorial Day through Labor Day)
Activities: Open March through October Fridays 3-8, Saturdays 12-9, Sundays 12-8. Summer hours (Memorial Day-Labor Day) Daily 12-10p
THIRD PLACE: Bedford Farms. They are open year round. Winter hours are 12pm to 6pm at Concord, 12pm to 7pm at Bedford. Spring Hours (March through Memorial Day) are 12pm-9pm, Memorial Day through Labor Day 12pm-10pm, Labor Day through October 12pm-9pm, November 12pm-6pm Mon-Thurs, 12pm-9pm Fridays, Saturdays
FOURTH PLACE: Rota Springs Farm
Open Early March through End of October/Beginning of November
March-August: 11:30am to 9:30pm
September 11:30am-9pm
October 11:30am-8pm
Some various activities are available including hay rides and a produce store.
FIFTH and LAST PLACE: Kimball Farms.
Open Late March through basically Columbus Day.
Ice Cream stops production Columbus Day and then open till they sell out in Westford. Activites at Westford remains open till a weekend after Columbus Day. Pitch and Putt and Driving Range, however, remains open till the condition goes bad. Country Store is, however, year round at Westford, and don't close till Christmas Eve in Lancaster. ICE CREAM open Late March through Memorial Day 10am-9pm, Memorial-Labor Day 10am-10pm, Labor Day to Columbus 10am-9pm, sometimes after Columbus Day till they run out.
Well, not surprising, Kimball Farms, after my most rift of the company is in last place. This especially burns me about is, since they have a country store cafe and another ice cream stand 20 minutes from here that's open year round, and every time I try to speak to Kimball, they refuse to even budge to even bring in a few flavers to have a cup of ice cream in the country store during the winter. Now I "sort of" understand Rota Springs, since they are far out alone, and I believe that, even a Sterling Farms Ice Cream, closes early. But for a place like them, Rota Springs does still close late comparing to other ice cream stands in the area, even Kimballs Lancaster, which closes weeks earlier then Rota. But my big praise to Jay Gee's and Bedford Farms for extending the season, with Jay Gee's offering to give a year-round a try to Salem NH if enough customers come in. Also, not to mention, Kimball Farms is a high-profile place with lots of customers, so it questions me why they are still seasonal while other low-profile ice cream stands like Mad Willie's, Trombetta's Farms and Tasty Treat open year round and make money. Kimball Farms claims "demand" is the reason, which is bulls__t, since small ice cream places like Trombetta Farms manages to do fine through the winter selling ice cream.
For Next year, here's the scedualed seasons (persumably)
Richardsons, Bedford Farms, and Jay Gee's (Salem) will be open year round.
Jay Gee's Methuen: February 23rd through October 27th.
Rota Springs: March 2nd through November 3rd
Kimball Farms: March 26th through October 14th, later in Westford