Friday, December 28, 2012

Return Engagement - Putnam Pantry - The Battle of Bunker Hill

A Week later, I gave a challenge of the Battle of Bunker Hill sundae at the Putnam Pantry.  Now, I got this, so you can have an idea of what this is.  It's basically a 17-scoop sundae, and with the toppings that I can add from the smorgasboard, this is comparable to the Vermonster.

Oh, yea.  Let's say this again.  Yo!  Behold!  The Ziggy Pig..Ahem...The Battle of Bunker Hill.  The Greatest Ice Cream Specticle known to man kind.  "Eat the pig.  Eat the pig.  Ziggy Ziggy Ziggy Pig." (High Five!)

And Yo and Behold, This Sundae is gimornous!  I can't really tell the flavers, but what you see here is practically the ENTIRE flavers that the Putnam Pantry on the list.  Not to mention that this Sundae will cost you 19 dollars.
Needless to say, I couldn't finish this sundae.  Not even half the sundae.  Now if I compare to the size of the Kimball Special, I say, this is Kimball Special times 3!

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