Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Apple Crisp arrives at Kimball Farm!

A sign of the times.  It started a week early (I thought it starts off on Labor Day Weekend, but, yea, I had it anyways, with Gingersnap Molasses ice cream.
It was just a bitter sweet moment, when this double edge sundae comes in...The best sundae that capitalizes on "autumn", yet a signal that the season's closure is around the corner.

Well, at least the Country store is opened after the closure of the ice cream stand and all it's activities, but the message to you: If you like Kimball Farm's ice cream, start your petitions to Kimball family to start serving ice cream year round now.  I know about window service, but at least tell them to move the ice cream into the country store from Columbus Day till St. Patrick's Day.  Maybe people should also start to petition Rota Springs Ice Cream to at least keep cranking out a few flavers during the late fall/winter season.

Perhaps true ice cream fans will look at hours at Bedford Farms and tell Kimballs that they can add more jobs by maybe having windows service on Fridays through Sundays.  My feelings: From Columbus Day till Thanksgiving, continue window service on Friday after noon (like 3pm to 9pm), Saturdays and Sundays 10am to 9pm.  Mondays through Thursdays could have Ice Cream served at the country store.

Now, I could just order this Apple Crisp to go and grab myself some Rota Spring Farm's Indian Pudding and make the best of two worlds...

All I have to say is: Look at the picture, drool, and start petitioning Kimball Farms and Rota Springs Farms to keep cranking out ice cream all winter long...  Long live Kimballs...

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