Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jay Gee's Ice Cream, Salem, New Hampshire

It's Jay Gee's version of their 30th anniversary of the new opening, their version of Kimball Farms Lancaster.  Unlike the Lancaster location, in which it's located in a more rural area, it's located in a more thickly settled area, right near Jim's Ice Cream barn, setting up some competition; which, ironically, is our next tour.  This decision from Jay Gee's gives kids a tough decision to where he or she wants Ice Cream.  One kid can fight over another kid, especially one kid likes Jim's Ice Cream, while another one likes Jay Gee's.

The plus side to this location unlike the other location is that there's a burger place right next door in the same building.  The downside is that the burgers aren't as great as the Grill and Seafood shack, because it's a chain-based burger place.  So, I didn't really include any photos of the burger, but it was a good way to have a sandwich before the ice cream.

Now, on to the ice cream.  This time, I took on the challenge of eating the Mt. Washington Sundae.  I actually was telling: "I wander what Kimball Farm's reaction when they see this sundae".  Let me tell you, it's ginormous!  It was so big, that if I would have gone to Kimballs, get the banana split or a Kimball's special, then ordered the Mt. Washington sundae, and then put them side by side, the Banana Split from Kimballs would look like a kiddie size compared to this one.

One thing's for sure, they do put a sign on the top of the mountain called "Mt. Washington".  Now, if Jay Gee's opens a new location several hundred miles north of here, then the Mt. Washington sundae would have sold more sundaes to the customer.  Indeed, this sundae is for die hard ice cream lovers only.  Since I'm a die-hard ice cream lover, I ordered it for a challenge, much like I said on one of my previous blogs.

Yo!  Behold!  The Ziggy Pig--ahem--the Mt. Washington Sundae!  The Greatest Ice Cream Spectacle Known To Man!  (eat the pig, eat the pig, Ziggy Ziggy Ziggy Pig!)
Anyways, the flavers I ordered is Strawberry Cheesecake, Chocolate Overload, Peanut Butter Fix, Banana Creme, Cake Batter, Confetti Cake Batter, Pumpkin, Apple Crisp, and Egg Nog.  Sure enough, the three fall flavers were the last scoops they put in.  As they were prepairing the sundae, I saw through the window that it was huge.  This sundae also has a brownie and a banana in it, as well as whipped creme, and blue sprinkles to make it look like the Mount Washington sundae.  And, well, I couldn't finish this thing, as I ate about half the ice cream, and then my stomach started to get full.
Now, I wander if Kimball will have an answer to this when it comes to the 75 year anniversery.  Maybe they will have the new "Kimball SuperSpecial", which could include 14 gigantic scoops of ice cream.  But let's see how Kimball Farms would react when they see this sundae.

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