Friday, September 21, 2012

To Stock up or not to stock up. What's the best choice?

Let's face it.  We are nearing the end of september, and ice cream places are starting to close for the season.  The good new is, unless the ice cream stand is going out of business and the most dreaded words are: "Once this season's over, we may never sell ice cream again", the ice cream stands open in the end of winter to mid spring, some late spring.

So, during the week before they close, the decision, if you have multiple favorites, like me, who has Kimballs, Bedfords, Rota Springs, Jay Gee's, and Great Brook Farms; is, should you stock up on that place, or not.  The decision depends on the following:

-The Ice cream at the place is made on the premise or is a small chain and where the ice cream came from is not far from here and is from the same company.
-The source of the ice cream is seasonal.
-The cows the cream they got it from is either raised themselves, or raised from a local dairy farm.

Now, the run down.  On my choice on the following ice cream stands: should you stock up?

BEDFORD FARMS: No.  Although the bedford store is season, the concord is open year round.
(UPDATE: Bedford shop is now open year round)
KIMBALL FARMS: Yes*.  They close in october, though, in a select few flavers, they serve half gallons through January.  However, I would play it safe and stock up on your favorite flaver.
GREAT BROOK FARM: No.  Their ice cream comes from Bliss Bros. Dairy.
SPRINKLES: No.  They are open year round, and their ice cream comes from Richardsons.
MAD WILLIE'S: No.  They are open year round, and their ice cream comes from Richardsons.
RICHARDSONS: No.  They are open year round.
MAD MAGGIE'S: No*.  They are open year round, though, closed on weekdays in the winter.
TROMBETTA'S Farm: No*.  They are open year round, though, closed on weekdays in the winter.
JAY GEE'S: No*.  An update now is that Jay Gee's ice cream in Salem is now year round.

Well. that's my list of places and my suggestions on whether you should stock up.

Oh, remember, if it's hand packed, be sure to tell them not to overflow it past the brim, because some time they did and it made a hell of a mess.

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