Friday, September 14, 2012

Well, What do you know. Indian Pudding at Kimballs!

Maybe it's just me in luck when I went to Bates farm, or something.  But whenever I posted something earlier that the apple crisp would look good with indian pudding, it was just a major coincidence that they just introduced the new Indian Pudding.  I just become crazy about it when I origionally was about to order a gingersnap flaver because I had pumpkin the last time I had my apple crisp, when I saw the sign: "NEW! Indian Pudding"  That's when I decided to dump the gingersnap and ordered the indian pudding.
For those who don't know, Kimballs is actually in four locations, which is this one, Bates farm in Carlisle, the second one, which everybody knows about which is in Westford, the third one is in Jaffery, which is near Mount Monadnock, and the fourth one is in Lancaster.
Anyways, I came up to the window and ordered the Apple Crisp with Indian Pudding.  To my amazement, they did three scoops of ice cream on the apple crisp.  Normally, they do one scoop with the whip cream on top.  They did this similer to the one did on a brownie sundae, a special, or a banana split, which is the center scoop on top of two other scoop.
As I get into my sundae, the combination of indian pudding ice cream with the apple crisp does blend very well.  However, I found out that the indian pudding isn't as nearly textered as the one at Rota Springs, but it's still good.
But yea, only three weeks left after this weekend.  After Columbus day, if you haven't stack up on Kimballs ice cream, which I may on the Saturday before they close, the only way you can enjoy Kimballs is just to droll on these pictures and wish that they open year round.  But since there's still time right now, let's eat all the Kimball ice cream you can, and then stack up on a few quarts of ice cream, particaly, one quart of Indian Pudding, one quart of pumpkin, and one quart of...maybe another favorate flaver...  Maybe I can buy some Kimball Farm cups (if they let me), and pretend that I'm at Kimballs in December eating ice cream.
Well, just as I wished.  Combine the apple crisp with indian pudding.  Oh, but wait.  Rota Springs is open for another month, and we've still got Bedford farms.  Maybe if I can order a pound of apple crisp that I can heat up later on, maybe I can enjoy Kimball's apple crisp.  Now, I just have to order a few Savaday fiber trays and a scooper.  And the worst thing is, that these days, it's seemed just yesterday that Kimball's opened up back in March.  So at least in February, we can start counting down the days till when the ice cream stands open up.

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